Especially in climates with high rainfall water can accumulate on the external floating roof. Adequate draining of this rain water is a very important aspect of safe and reliable operation of storage tanks with external floating roofs.
Drain water on external floating roofs may contain sediments and debris, which causes the drains to malfunction. Also the placement of the drains inside the stored product makes the drain design challenging. Our drain solutions take these important aspects into consideration. Our drain systems include the drain pivot system, swivel joint system and drain hose
Drain pivot
The drain master consists of a reinforced composite hose fitted in a metallic pivoting joint. This is an ideal long-lasting flexible pipe connection for this application. Drain pivot flexible connections can be supplied in 3”, 4” 6”, 8”, 10” and 12”
Pipe drain systems
Tanks drain systems can only be replaced when the tank is out of service, therefore the consequence of a malfunctioning tank drain is significant. To ensure long service life we have developed a tank drain pipe solution with high quality swivels. Our drain pipe system is a complete system, including the connections, swivels and the piping required. Please refer to the swivels leaflet for more information on our Swivels
Drain hoses
Our tank drain hoses are a proven solution for the challenging draining of rain water on external floating roofs, The major advantage of these hoses is its simplicity in design. It has a limited amount of connections and therefore high reliability. To avoid floating the drain hose includes a lead ballast cable and suspension system. The drain hoses is even able to accommodate frozen drain water. All hoses are supplied electrically continuous.